ZAKZAK: ハリポタ新刊発売前ネタばらし…“切れ者”日系人書評家

NYTimes Books of The Times: "An Epic Showdown as Harry Potter Is Initiated Into Adulthood" By MICHIKO KAKUTANI]

While Ms. Rowling’s astonishingly limber voice still moves effortlessly between Ron’s adolescent sarcasm and Harry’s growing solemnity, from youthful exuberance to more philosophical gravity, “Deathly Hallows” is, for the most part, a somber book that marks Harry’s final initiation into the complexities and sadnesses of adulthood.


at least a half-dozen characters we have come to know die in these pages, and many others are wounded or tortured.


Harry’s weird psychic connection with Voldemort (symbolized by the lightning-bolt forehead scar he bears as a result of the Dark Lord’s attack on him as a baby)


Harry’s journey will propel him forward to a final showdown with his arch enemy, and also send him backward into the past, to the house in Godric’s Hollow where his parents died, to learn about his family history and the equally mysterious history of Dumbledore’s family.


It is Ms. Rowling’s achievement in this series that she manages to make Harry both a familiar adolescent — coping with the banal frustrations of school and dating — and an epic hero, kin to everyone from the young King Arthur to Spider-Man and Luke Skywalker. This same magpie talent has enabled her to create a narrative that effortlessly mixes up allusions to Homer, Milton, Shakespeare and Kafka, with silly kid jokes about vomit-flavored candies, a narrative that fuses a plethora of genres (from the boarding-school novel to the detective story to the epic quest) into a story that could be Exhibit A in a Joseph Campbell survey of mythic archetypes.

うはー。こんな感じか。「ローリングさんがこのシリーズでやろうとしたことは、ハリーにみんな知ってる若者像(学校の陳腐な鬱屈やデートのコピー)と壮大な物語の英雄(若いアーサー王からスパイダーマンやルークスカイウォーカーまで連なる)とを併せ持たせることだ。こういうパクリ技術で彼女の創った物語は、ホメロスやミルトンやシェークスピアカフカの引用を苦もなくミックスし、それにゲロ味の飴についてのバカな子供のジョークをまぶしたものだ。その物語は、多くのジャンル(寄宿学校の小説から探偵ものや壮大な冒険もの)を混ぜ合わせて、Joseph Campbellの神話のアーキタイプ分析の添付書類Aとして出てきそうな物語にしたものだった」

It(=The world of Harry Potter)'s also a place utterly recognizable to readers, a place where death and the catastrophes of daily life are inevitable, and people’s lives are defined by love and loss and hope — the same way they are in our own mortal world.
